Rhinoplasty is one of the most common procedures performed by Dr. Tarek Copty. It is a surgery that is done once in a lifetime! In Rhinoplasty, it’s very difficult to correct or fix it again (re-do the operation), although it is possible in some specific cases.
Importance of Rhinoplasty:
Dr. Tarek Copty’s recommended approach is to review photos of rhinoplasty surgeries so you can observe the surgeon’s technique. It’s also crucial to ensure that the surgeon has extensive experience for it needs great precision.
It is worth mentioning that many people who have undergone rhinoplasty may experience sagging at the tip of the nose after 5-6 years from the procedure due to improper fixation of the cartilage. The internal cartilage must be properly stabilized to prevent the tip of the nose from sagging and pointing downward. Here are some details about this procedure.
Who undergoes rhinoplasty?
وعلى عكس المفاهيم الخاطئة الشائعة، يوضح الدكتور قبطي أن عملية تجميل الأنف لا تقتصر على الأشخاص ذوي الأنوف الكبيرة. الهدف الأساسي هو خلق تناغم مع الوجه، مما يضمن شعور الشخص بالراحة النفسية تجاه مظهره. أولئك الذين قد يفكرون في عملية تجميل الأنف يشملون الأفراد الذين لديهم عظام أنف بارزة، أو أولئك غير الراضين عن الأنف الواسع، أو أولئك الذين لديهم شكل أنف كروي. على الرغم من عدم وجود عمر محدد لإجراء عملية تجميل الأنف، إلا أنها غالبًا ما يتم إجراؤها على الأفراد الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 16 إلى 20 عامًا، وهي فترة حاسمة لتنمية الشخصية.
تفاصيل عملية تجميل الأنف:
يتم إجراء الجراحة تحت التخدير العام وتستغرق عادةً من ساعة ونصف إلى ساعتين. يمكن لمعظم المرضى المغادرة في نفس اليوم أو في اليوم التالي للعملية. يتم إجراء شق صغير في المنطقة المرئية، مما يسمح بالوصول إلى العظام والغضاريف وفتحات الأنف الداخلية. بعد الانتهاء من العملية، يتم وضع جبيرة على الأنف، بالإضافة إلى الغرز في مكان الشق، ليتم إزالتها بعد أسبوع.
What to Expect After Rhinoplasty Surgery?
One week of home rest.
Exposure to sunlight or cold air does not impact the results.
The patient should sleep on their back for the first month after the surgery.
It is recommended to sleep on an elevated pillow, to help reduce swelling quicker during the first week.
The final result takes a full year for the swelling to completely subside. However, 70% of the result is visible one week after the surgery when the splint is removed. The remaining 30% is related to swelling which takes 6-12 months to fully disappear.
A splint is placed on the nose and two medical stitches are applied at the nostril openings, which are removed after one week. No kind of packing is placed inside the nose. Some swelling may occur on the nose due to the reshaping or fracturing of the nasal bone which is visible on the external shape of the nose.
These swellings need up to 6 months to disappear, and the final results will be visible after a year from the procedure date, as the lymphatic channels in the nose need time.
Common symptoms after rhinoplasty:
Some natural symptoms may occur after the surgery as the patient might experience difficulty breathing for up to a month after due to internal swelling from the surgery. Bruising under the eyes can appear for a week after the procedure.
Bruising under the eyes can appear for a week after the procedure.
What defines the ideal nose?
When undergoing rhinoplasty, specific angles are considered to achieve the ideal outcome:
Angle between the nose and forehead should be 130 degrees.
Angle between the nose and the mouth should be between 100 to 105 degrees.
The length of the nose should be proportionate to the face.
The face is divided into three sections, with the nose occupying one-third of the face.
It is important to note that one of the major principles of Dr. Tarek is to maintain the natural shape of the nose without any marks or scars from the surgery. As the final result should blend with the face as if it hasn’t gone through cosmetic surgery.