
Man's body illustration highlighting the location of the Gynecomastia

About the Surgery:

Gynecomastia surgery is a surgery for men mainly for the purpose of confidence and to build self-esteem. In general, there are two main types of gynecomastia: True gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia. The difference between them is that in true gynecomastia, there is an enlargement of breast tissue, whereas in pseudo-gynecomastia, the chest appears enlarged due to an accumulation of fat in the area—either as a result of weight gain or the natural distribution of fat in the body.

In cases of gynecomastia caused by fat accumulation, treatment can be performed through liposuction alone, using small hidden incisions in the side folds of the armpit, without the need for any additional cuts in the area.

However, in cases of true gynecomastia caused by an overgrowth of breast tissue, treatment involves a surgical procedure to remove the excess tissue and glands from the area. The length and location of the incision depend on the size of the breast and the degree of enlargement, but in most cases, there is a horizontal incision in the area, with or without modifications to the shape and position of the nipple. In some cases, liposuction is combined with the removal of excess tissue, glands, and part of the skin.

This procedure does not require an overnight hospital stay. The pain is very mild and can be managed with painkillers. The patient must wear a compression garment for approximately three weeks. Additionally, physical exercise should be avoided for the first month after surgery. The final results of gynecomastia surgery are usually visible after three months.

FAQ's About the Procedure

In the case of liposuction only, there are hidden incisions in the side folds of the armpit. However, in the case of both liposuction and lifting, there is a horizontal incision on the breast.

One to two hours.

Same day of surgery.

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