
Woman's body illustration highlighting the location of the Breast lift surgery

About the Surgery:

Factors such as weight loss, breastfeeding, or genetics can lead to breast shrinkage and sagging. This often requires women to wear bras constantly and creates a noticeable gap between the neck and breasts, which highlights signs of aging.

Breast lift and tuck surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, especially for mothers after they have finished their pregnancies and childbirth.

This procedure is straightforward and can be performed with or without the placement of a silicone implant Many women opt to combine a tummy tuck with a breast lift, a combination known as "Mommy Makeover" or "Mommy Resurgence."

The breast lift (mastopexy) procedure restores a younger appearance to the female breasts. Over time, breasts may lose their shape and firmness due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the loss of skin elasticity, resulting in sagging. A breast lift will raise and reshape the breasts, slowing down the effects of aging and gravity. This procedure can also reduce the size of the areola (the dark skin around the nipple) according to the patient's preference.

A breast lift does not increase the volume of the upper breast; it simply removes excess sagging breast tissue and repositions the nipple. For this reason, breast lifts are often performed alongside breast augmentation with silicone implants to increase fullness and improve the shape of the breasts. If you plan on becoming pregnant in the future, it is advisable to postpone a breast lift, as pregnancy will likely cause further stretching and sagging of the breasts.

Surgical incisions are made around the nipple, vertically beneath the nipple, and sometimes horizontally in the breast folds. The breast tissue is reshaped, and some breast tissue and skin are removed. The nipple and areola are then repositioned. The skin is closed with dissolvable stitches.

As with any surgery, complications may occur. The patient may experience adverse effects due to anesthesia (which is rare), or bleeding and infection after the breast lift, potentially leading to widened scarring. If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking for at least 4 to 6 weeks before the surgery to reduce the risk of complications. Smokers are more likely to experience delayed healing, wound dehiscence, and are at higher risk of losing the nipple and areola skin.

Due to the rupture of some milk ducts during the procedure, you may be unable to breastfeed after the surgery. Some women have successfully breastfed after the procedure, but it is difficult to predict who will be able to do so. For the best results, follow your surgeon's instructions both before and after the surgery.

After the procedure, the stitches will be covered with adhesive strips, and a surgical bra will be worn to keep the breasts in place. Drain tubes are rarely required for this type of surgery. Bruising and swelling are common, and you may feel discomfort for a few days. Pain is generally well-controlled with oral pain medications. During recovery, it is important to wear the surgical bra at all times.

One week after the surgery, the adhesive strips will be removed. The stitches are under the skin and will dissolve on their own. Scars may appear red and swollen for several months before eventually fading and becoming less noticeable.

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شكل الشق مثل المرساة و يشفى تدريجيا ولا يوجد فيه اي خيوط جراحيه خارجية، ويتم ارتداء مشد ضاغط مدة ٣ اسابيع.


Same day of surgery.

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