
About the Surgery:
Facelift surgery, or a rhytidectomy, is designed to restore a more youthful appearance by removing major wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower face and neck. It involves tightening of the facial and neck muscles as well as the removal of any excess skin.
Skin can begin to wrinkle and sag as a result of age, sun exposure and genetics. Children and young adults have smooth, round faces due to evenly distributed fatty tissues in facial contours. Over time, the face loses volume which results in skin sagging and folds around the chin, jawline and neck.
Not only does a facelift improve facial appearance but also has a dramatic effect on the neck:
Enhancing its contour and profile.
A facelift can make a patient look 5 to 10 years younger.
Dramatic as the end results are, this is not a simple procedure. It requires a week to 10 days of recovery.
A face lift is frequently performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, forehead lift, chin augmentation, laser skin resurfacing and/or liposuction, to create an overall rejuvenation of the face.
The surgeon will make incisions inside the hairline at the temple, in front of the ear, then around the earlobe and behind the ear, ending at the scalp area. Excess skin is removed and sagging muscles and connective tissues are tightened. In some cases, fatty deposits are removed from beneath the chin and neck. Incisions are closed with small sutures.
It is necessary to have someone drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours. Initially you will have a large dressing wrapped around your head. On rare occasions we may have to place surgical drains attached to bulbs hanging at your neck. If these are placed, they will be removed in approximately 24 hours. Stitches around the ears are dissolvable and do not require removal. The scalp sutures will be removed in 7-10 days.
The face lift scars tend to fade quickly and the swelling and discoloration should decrease within two weeks. Tightness in your face will be present for several weeks. We recommend that you avoid the sun for several weeks after surgery. After you have healed, you should always protect your skin with sunscreen when you are outside.
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FAQ's About the Procedure
Is the procedure conducted in a hospital or at a clinic?
At the Hospital.
How much recovery time (resting at home) is needed?
10 days (head band worn for first 7 days).
The surgical incision and scar?
Incision around the ear. Almost invisible scar.
Operation time?
Discharge from the hospital?
Same day of surgery.